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當前位置: 主頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品中心 > Shut-off valve

  • KGD wafer style slurry valve

KGD wafer style slurry valve




100% isolation, bubble-tight shut-off results in absolutely zero downstream leakage.

Double-seated design provides bi-directional flow and shut-off.

Unobstructed flow eliminates turbulence, minimizes pressure drop across valve.

No seat cavity where solids can collect and prevent full gate closure.

Dynamic self-adjusting secondary seal.

No gate or stem packing is required, eliminating packing leakage and maintenance.

Long lasting lubrication.

No metal parts in contact with the flowing slurry.

Adaptable frame (yoke) design featuring a top-removal stem nut, can be field modified to an air cylinder or bevel gear in the field without welding.

Open-Closed lockout brackets standard through NPS 16 (DN 400), ready for optional factory supplied or customer supplied lockout pins.


End Connection Wafer

Shutoff Class Zero Leakage

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